Award Winners platform showcases outstanding design, art, architecture, engineering and fashion.

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Website and Web Design Travel Website by Saltanat Tashibayeva


Architecture, Building and Structure Design House for Parents Residence by Masakatsu Matsuyama


Limited Edition and Custom Design Ciroc White Grape Vodka Limited Edition Packaging Design by Laurent Hainaut


Baby, Kids' and Children's Products Design 700kids Balance Bike Integrated Molding Bicycle by Johnny Liu


Urban Planning and Urban Design Smart Ecology Industrial Park by Yun Du


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Masoro Health Center Wellness Education by Leighton Beaman


Design of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Design of the Day, an excellent example of good design that makes a positive change. View the Design of the Day showcase to see previously featured good design works today.


Design Team of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Design Team of the Day, an outstanding design team that makes the World a better place with their good designs. View the Design Team of the Day showcase to see previously featured design teams today.


Designer of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Designer of the Day, an outstanding and extraordinary designer that advances society with their good design. View the Designer of the Day showcase to see previously featured designers today.


Design Legend of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Design Legend of the Day, a true design legend that changes the world with their exceptional design work. View the Design Legend of the Day showcase to see previously featured design legends today.


Design Interview of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Design Interview of the Day, an amazing interview about an excellent design work. View the Design Interview of the Day showcase to see previously featured design interviews today.


Designer Highlight of the Day A' Design Award & Competition is pleased to present you with the Designer Highlight of the Day, an excellent designer with outstanding design works. View the Design Highlight of the Day showcase to see previously featured designers today.


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Geosong Residential Building by Moriyuki Ochiai Architects


Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design Lilmissy Electric Bicycle by Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen


Website and Web Design KGI Bank Website Redesign by frog Singapore


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Larma Apartment by javad davoodi


Print and Published Media Design WWI Trail Map Book by Martino Spreafico


Kitchen Furniture, Equipment and Fixtures Design Eilo Teriyaki Furn by Xinhuan He


Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design Fold and Rescue Paper Folding Lifeboat by Yining Chen


Robotics, Automaton and Automation Design Bloom Reconfigurable Soft Robotic Gripper by BioInspired Robotics & Design Laboratory


Kitchen Furniture, Equipment and Fixtures Design Totem Appliances Assembly System by Andrea Cingoli


Limited Edition and Custom Design Holzwolf Watch by Hernani Ruhland Tralli


Robotics, Automaton and Automation Design Germgo Disinfection Robot by Aodong Li


Kitchen Furniture, Equipment and Fixtures Design One More Faucet by Mitra Mohammad Hosseini Sisakht


Website and Web Design List of Innovation Seeds Digital Interactive Platform by Midori Yamazaki


Idea and Conceptual Design Home Bar and Coffee Spinning Ambient Rotating Multifunctional Furniture by Fabrizio Constanza


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Villa Troy Residential House by Renos Constantinou


Baby, Kids' and Children's Products Design Creaon Toy by Menglin Tian


Limited Edition and Custom Design YI YU Jewelry Box by SHENZHEN CUIHUA JEWELRY COMPANY,LTD.


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Argo Cultural Center by Chrysi Vrantsi


Idea and Conceptual Design Ecopace Environmental Enzyme Machine by Aodong Li


Print and Published Media Design Vicereines of Ireland Academic Book by Jurga Rakauskaite-Larkin


Architecture, Building and Structure Design 272 Gallery Multifunctional Space by Qiuwen Luo


Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design Hero Fire Truck by Wenkai Xue


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Chahar Gah Villa by Nima Keivani


Print and Published Media Design Pool Interactive Cover by Liao Jin-Zhi


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Playful Child Care Clinic by Yoshiaki Tanaka


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Almana Medical Center by Muhammed El Sepaey


Print and Published Media Design Defy Communicative Visual Book by Liao Jin-Zhi


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Lovin Maris Villas Residential Development by Quark Studio Architects


Architecture, Building and Structure Design Living the Gardens Villas by sanzpont [arquitectura]


Website and Web Design Alfa Website by Alice K


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A' Design Award A' Design Award & Competition is a peer-reviewed, juried, blind-voted, international, prestigious design accolade that aims to create awareness and appreciation for good design worldwide. Nominate your good design for award consideration today.


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